The Imagery Industry Unit, for  Century 5-10-10-75 & WePrepare.Us 

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We are now recruiting 15,000, YES! ... 15,000 Imagery Industrialists  to assist with content creation for the four Century 5-10-10-75 Strategic Themes: Prepare Earn Build Churn.  These four “PILLARS” are our breakthrough  strategy to reverse and neutralize the prediction of Zero Median Family Wealth of African American by 2053 A.D.   To this prediction, published  in 2017, by,  we say NOPE!...not on our Watch! 

Revival^ution IS  OUR  IMAGERY INDUSTRY, to facilitate the promotion of  self-preparedness activism and cultural resilience in the African American community. Our core themes: 

  • Prepare - Tier 1 Preparedness Imagery
  • Earn - Imagery to promote engagement in the Preparedness Industry
  • Build - Imagery to promote the build of places & spaces that nourish our children and flourish our families
  • Churn - Imagery that promotes African American banking

Join us in creating a innovative new era of PSAs, memes, and audio. We promote Faith, Futurism, Economic Activism, Cultural Resilience, and our Common Humanity.

This is not a job offer. Better! It's a legacy opportunity with passive income potential. 


JOIN! our Imagery Industrialist Member Registry $15/year

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Pam Kelly,   host of the Saturday Prepper Zoom Room Series , is the Founder of WePrepare.Us .  I possess over 30 years of experience as a ...

  • Preparedness Activist
  • Tier 1 Preparedness Consultant
  • Preparedness/Off-Grid Mobile App Developer
  • Architectural Visioneer

Perennial Preparedness NC, dba WePrepare.Us
PO Box 28775, Raleigh, NC 27611  


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